School Policies & Procedures

Welcome to World of Kids Academy! We understand that choosing the right center for your child can be a very scary decision. We hope to ease your mind by answering all the questions that are important to you. Because this is such and important decision, we want you to feel free to ask us any questions you might have regarding our center. At World of Kids Academy we guide children to learn as they play. Our curriculum is specially designed with a fun, hands on learning approach in mind. Inside this handbook you will see a general outline of our curriculum. Actual lesson plans are much more detailed so as to fill the entire day with fun and interesting activities. We want you to feel comfortable with the care we provide your child, so at any time please feel free to stop and talk to your child’s teacher or our center director or just simply call. We would be happy to look in on your child’s class and tell you what they are doing at any given moment to help you
feel secure.

• Our philosophy is to focus on each child and respect that they are all individuals with different needs and talents. We believe that they develop in their own way, and in their own time, in the following areas: Social, Emotional, Physical and Cognitive.

• Our goal is to provide the best childcare in a loving environment where children can grow intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. If you should have any question please feel free to call the office or stop by the desk and speak with the director.

• World of Kids Academy practices Equal Treatment of Clients and does not discriminate by reason of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, handicap, age, or national origin in services or accommodations offered or provided to our employees, clients or guests.

• World of Kids Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employer which does not discriminate on the ground of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, handicap or national origin in the hiring, retention, or promotion of employees, nor in determining their rank, or the compensation or fringe benefits paid them.

Click On Each Label To Learn More

Food allergies should be indicated in the enrollment form. World of Kids Academy will make necessary communication to the teachers and staff about your child’s allergies to ensure that all known allergies are accounted for. It is your responsibility as a parent to check our lunch and snack menus in order for you to be aware of what we offer and provide your child with special snacks and meals.

1. Children must be 12 weeks of age
2. WOKA must have health forms on file prior to the first day of school. See Health forms below for specifics.
3. “Know Your Child Care Center” pamphlet signed by parent or guardian
4. Influenza Virus Pamphlet signed by parents or guardian. This pamphlet will be given on a yearly basis and must be returned sign before child starts new school year.

If you would like to celebrate a birthday or special event at the center please see your child’s teacher for an application along with informative flyer. Birthday or any other special celebration must be requested 2 weeks prior to event. Birthday celebrations can only take place during their lunch time. All foods must be pre-approved and must be commercially prepared (store purchased not home made). A list of food items (others than one provided from school) that will be served must be preapproved and a letter must posted in classroom for all parents to sign in order for their child to participate in the celebration

Education- Our emphasis is on the individual children’s social, emotional, cognitive, language, creative and physical development. We utilize in our preschool and VPK program the following curriculums; Sing, Spell, Read and Write; Go Math, High Reach Learning and Creative Curriculum. The most important part of our curriculum covers these areas. Each child is unique with individual interests, abilities and needs. All children develop differently at their own paces. Some are advanced in language but lagging in math concepts. This is normal. Our goal is to meet their need for help in developing the areas they have not yet mastered. We strive to get them ready to enter the school system. We will give you information regarding your child’s progress frequently and suggest ways you can help them reach their goals. Screening to determine what areas we need to work on with your child will be given three times a year for preschoolers.

Multimedia Use- World of Kids Academy does not use videos on a regular occurrence. Pre-kindergarten students will be given time in our computer lab.The school-age children may use the computers in the lab to conduct research on their homework and use the computer programs to work on educational concepts such as science, math and other problem solving activities during daily scheduled times.

Guidance Policy- Our center uses positive reinforcement, conflict resolution, limit setting and redirection as the guidance techniques. If the child must be sent out of the classroom and behavior does not improve the parent will be called to pick up the child for the day. If behaviors do not improve or if they pose a safety risk the parent will be asked to find another child care facility as outlined in our Behavior Policy. A copy of discipline police is given to you with enrollment materials but here is also one posted in every classroom by the parent board.

Behavior Policy- The school reserves the right to discontinue services for behaviors which are disruptive to the operation of the school or pose a safety risk. We can refer parents to programs who can assist in the screening and assessment of areas of concern.

In the instance that a complaint should be warranted please bring this to the director or administration immediately. We ask you to communicate any area of concern. We have an open door policy and want you to feel at ease with the care and education given to your child. We ask you to approach us in a respectful way as we will do the same. We will do everything in our power to resolve the situation of concern. We take pride in our center and the excellence in the care we provide our students. If the Director is unable to assist you with this concern please bring the matter to the attention of the Owner.

Toddler 1 through First Grade.
Uniform is mandated from toddler 1 through First grade. During the winter children are allowed to wear long navy blue pants or jogging pants. Children must wear sneakers or confortable closed toe shoes. Velcro is suggested for younger children. All cloth must be labeled with child’s name. We will not be responsible for clothing that is not labeled.

Infants, Pee-wee and toddlers
You are required to provide diapers, wipes and diaper ointment for your child if they are in diapers. Please check your child’s cubby frequently to see that they are stocked up. They should have at least 8 diapers a day to ensure they are covered even if they become ill. Toilet training children need to have four changes of easy to pull up and down clothes. This includes underwear, and socks as liquid tends to go with gravity. It is also a good idea to have a spare pair of sneakers in the cubby for the same reason. Belts, zipper and button are discouraged for potty training children. These things can wait until they get a good grasp on using the potty. Children who are potty trained need one change of clothes in their cubby in case of food spills or other emergencies. All clothing should be labeled on the inside fabric of tops and bottoms and in the toe for socks. Preschool children’s clothes need to be in a zip-lock bag sealed and labeled in their cubby for health department requirements to be met.

Bedding- We provide cots for naptime for the children. It is your responsibility to provide clean sheets or mat covers and a small blanket for your child. These items need to go home for washing every Friday. If your child is out on Friday they need to be switched out with clean sheets Monday morning. This will help keep your child from becoming ill. Cots are sanitized regularly.

Toilet Training – Toilet training requires cooperation between school and home. However, if your child has an excess amount of accidents, potty training may be temporarily put on hold. Please notify your child’s teacher and the office when your child is ready to begin this process. Children must be toilet trained to enter the school’s 3 year old program.

The center reserves the right to dismiss any student that poses a threat to themselves, any other student and/or teacher in the program, any non-compliance in the program policies or handbooks, or if the student does not follow the center outlined rules. We want every parent to accept and be comfortable with our school policies and regulations. We have developed these procedures to ensure the health and safety of all children in our program. We do not want “unhappy” parents or students. We will do all we can to make you feel at ease. However, we prefer that you withdraw your child if you feel your concerns have not been met.

Please do not bring toys from home; we have plenty for your child to play with. We do not allow money, electronics, gum, toys or junk food to be brought to school. If your child wears jewelry we will not be responsible for it being lost or stolen. We will not be responsible for these items if they are brought to school

Admission Procedure and Hours – World of Kids Academy accepts children ages 12 weeks to 6 years of age for enrollment in the Preschool, VPK , Kinder and First Grade program. We do offer an after-school/ summer camp program for ages 5-12. We are open 5 days a week from 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM. It is very important to the learning development of your child that they get enough rest at home, are nourished and be here on time. A fee is assessed for a late pick-up of your child.

Field Trip Policy- World of Kids Academy provide fun, educational and interactive field trips for children who are enrolled in the Pre-K thru School age program. If you do not wish for your child to attend a field trip you MUST make alternate arrangements for care. The teacher that is responsible for your child’s group is on the field trip and the center must maintain appropriate ratio and group sizes. Your child may not stay at the center when their group is on a field trip. The program must have a signed permission statement in the child’s folder for your child to attend the filed trips. We will post a notification of the field trips in the front office as well as in the parent information area of your child’s classroom. All children that attend a field trip MUST wear their center T-shirt, if you do not have a shirt you may purchase one at the front desk. If your child is present on a field trip day and is not wearing a t-shirt one will be provided to your child and your account will be billed. We prepare our staff using staff to child ratios for the number of children we leave the center with each day, therefore, you must arrive at the program before the van leaves for the trip, you may not bring your child to the field trip UNLESS you plan to stay and bring your child to the program after the trip.

Transportation Policy for the School age program- We currently do not provide transportation to and from elementary schools. If your child attends our after-school program and you made arrangement with outside transportation company for pick and drop off service from the local elementary schools, you must notify our program if you child will be absent from our program.

Before your child can attend our center we must have on file your child’s Immunization record (form 680) and student physical (form 3040) which can be obtained from your child’s pediatrician. Evidence of freedom from tuberculosis and other communicable diseases is also required. The forms must be updated each time your child receives more immunizations or when they are due to be given. The physical expires each year. Check the date on the form. These forms must be signed by the doctor. If your child’s forms expire they may not return until the forms are updated by your doctor.

Illnesses, Accidents and Emergency Policy – The staff of World of Kids Academy have been trained to recognize signs and symptoms of illness so that they can safeguard all of the children in their care from becoming ill. We are not physicians and do not in any way mean to diagnose a child’s illness, but we do have a duty to protect the whole group from the spread of infection. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms while in your care please do not bring them to the facility as they could get others sick as well. Please do seek medical treatment. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms while in our care you will be notified and will need to pick up your child immediately.

It is our policy to remove the child from the group to prevent further spread of infection. They will remain in the office until your arrival. If your child is out sick or leaves early to illness we require a doctor’s note in order for them to return to the center. The note must say that they are no longer contagious and can return to normal activities.

List of signs or symptoms:

• Yellow/green running nose
• Drainage from the eyes-yellow/green or crusty
• Excessive coughing
• Pulling on ears or discharge from ears
• Fever at or above 100 degrees
• Rashes
• Infestations such as Ring worm, Lice and nits
• Vomiting (more than once)
• Diarrhea (more than once)
• Unusually dark urine or gray or white stools
• Severe coughing
• Stiff neck with elevated temperature
• Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing
• Mouth or body sores
• Redness of eyes, obvious discharge from the eye, madded eyelashes, itching or burning eyes

** If your child has any of these symptoms at home or over the weekend we ask you to please take your child to the doctor before bringing him/her to school.

** Parents will be notified immediately of any communicable illness/or brake out in the classroom.

If your child is not symptom free, a physician’s note will be required stating that the child is not contagious. If you do not bring a doctors return to school certificate stating your child’s diagnose and treatment we will not be able to keep him/her in school until symptoms are not present and a note is provided.

There may be other symptoms which cause us to feel there is a concern that are not listed. In any event the management has the right to decide when to require a doctor’s note for return. This applies to injuries as well as illnesses. In the event of an accident an incident form will be filled out by the staff member present when it occurred. This form will give information such as what happened, what area of the body was hurt and what steps were taken to treat the child (such as band-aids). In the event of a serious injury all the necessary steps will be taken. Our staff is trained in childcare First Aid CPR. In the event of an emergency the director or other appointed staff member will dial 911 and then the parents. If the parents could not be reached we will continue down the list of emergency numbers your have provided in your registration. Part of this agreement is your authorization to take whatever emergency measures are deemed necessary for the care and safety of your child. A copy of illness policy along with administering medication policy is included in enrollment package and must be sign prior to first day of school. This form will be given out on a yearly basis before the beginning of school year and must be returned with your signature.

The center is closed in observance of most holidays and teacher workdays: a list is included in enrollment package. We will close for teachers workday right before beginning of the school year for 1 to 2 days. These days will be part of our school calendar given to you upon registering your child. There will be no discount in tuition for the holidays or teacher workdays we are closed.

Personal hygiene is taught and encouraged. CHILDREN MUST WASH THEIR HANDS UPON ARRIVAL TO OUR FACILITY. Children wash their hands after using the restroom, after playground time, and before eating. They are also taught and encouraged to cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing and to use a tissue when necessary. Please keep your child’s fingernails short to prevent accidental scratches during playtime. Blankets and sheets are to be taken home as needed, but no less than on Fridays, laundered and returned.

We do offer kindergarten and first grade. It is an accelerated program therefore we want to make sure this program is the right one for your child. Your child will be given an entrance exam and previous teacher’s recommendation is also a deciding factor in admittance to our program. We are approved by the Department of Education to operate as a private school. Our school age program has been very successful, as proven in their test scores on the standardize test. We do participate in the Step Up for Students program which provides scholarships for students to attend private schools. If you are interested in knowing more please inquire at the front desk.

Please be advised that the director or assistant director will notify all parents using the emergency contact information provided in the enrollment package be sure that all information is current and correct.

Our designated Media Relations Person is the Director in her absence it will be the next Person in Charge as designated at our center.

In case of Injury – Our plan of action is to assess the situation, give the necessary first aid and/or CPR and send for help. Once these steps are completed, dependent upon the nature of the injury we call the parents. If they can not be reached we call the emergency contact person until someone is reached.

In case of Fire – Our plan of action is to evacuate the center following the posted evacuation routes. Teachers are to take role call books which will include emergency contact information for their class with them to the designated meeting place*.

In case of Stranger at center – Our plan of action is to request the stranger identify themselves by showing a form of picture identification. The teacher will notify the director or designated person in charge immediately – no child will be released without confirmation of authorization of release.

In case of Tornado – Our plan of action is to have classes go to designated areas posted in the classrooms and follow the procedures outlined.

In case of Hurricane – Our plan of action will be to follow the school district closings. If the school district has closed then we will do the same. We will notify the local news and radio stations to inform them of re-opening status once property has been evaluated for safety and power and phone lines have been restored.

In case of Bomb Scare – Our plan of action will be to lockdown the center. No child will be released until notification of all clear has been given from proper authorities. If evacuation procedures must be followed center will follow the plan of action for “In case of Fire”.

1. McDonald’s Restaurant located at 5700 NW 79th Ave. Doral 33166

2. City of Doral Government Center located at 8401 NW 53rs Terrace, Doral 33166

The children will walk to the designated meeting place.

We practice fire drills monthly and all others at least three times a year.

Parents are required to provide nutritional diet for their children. Food must be labeled and kept in the center’s refrigerator. Bottles must be labeled and prepared with first and last name.

The center will provide two snacks in an 8 hour day. You should provide your child with his daily lunch properly prepared in a lunch box. You also have the choice to enroll him in our World of Kids Hot Lunch Program provided by an approved catering company of Children & Families. Menus and information about the lunch program are available at the front desk. Parents must provide food for children who are on a special diet. It is important that you let us know if your child has any known or suspected food allergies.

In the event of a medical emergency the parents will be notified by the Director or next Person In Charge using the Emergency Contact Information completed in the Enrollment Packet. The child will be transported via emergency vehicle to the closest hospital upon discretion of emergency personnel where the medical emergency occurred. The name and telephone number of the child’s primary physician and preferred emergency care source is to be listed in the Enrollment Packet which will provide written parental permission to obtain emergency treatment.

We are unable to administer “over the counter” medications. If your child requires prescribed medication you must fill out a medication permission form located at the front desk. The center will not administer the first dosage of prescribed medication to the child to ensure any allergies or side effects to the medication. The medication permission form must be filled out completely with the name of medication, the time we must administer the medication and the amount of medication to be given The form must be filled out each week for on going prescribed medications. All medication must be in the original container and bare the full name of the child to whom it is given. Dosage of medication will not exceed the written instructions on the prescription label. If the medicine should be given twice daily, we ask the parents to give the medication at home. Medications cannot be stored in bookbags, lunchboxes or child’s coat or pocket

We encourage you to visit the center at any time. We have an open door policy but we do ask that you take into consideration that there are certain times in the day (such as a nap) that visiting can be detrimental to the children’s daily routine as well as the other children in the class.

Fresh air and exercise is very important for growing children. The children will go outdoors twice a day weather permitting. When the weather is not favorable indoor gross motor activities will be offered. Closed toe shoes with rubber soles for climbing are required. Please dress you child appropriately according to the weather.

All parents must fill out a new application and/or registration form for any of the following:

• There is a change of name
• There is a change of address
• There is a change is telephone number (home, work, or cell)
• There is a change of emergency contact persons
• There is a change in persons allowed to pick up the child(ren)
• There is a change in employment
• There is a change in financial status (For clients on Subsidized Programs)

Parent Conferences – We will offer parent teacher conferences twice a year or as requested by parents or teachers. The conference notes will be dated and signed by the parent and teacher and a copy will be maintained your child’s folder. We will request that families complete a written evaluation of the program annually.

Parent Participation- We encourage parents to be involved in their children’s educational experience. We offer many opportunities for parents to participate in the program such as the Read Aloud program, various family activities throughout the year and Community Participation events like the Hop-A-Thon and the MDA Lock UP. Parents need to make arrangements and receive approval through the administrative office before volunteering in the classroom. All volunteers must be background screened and meet certain requirements set forth by the Department of Children and Families before they can volunteer at our center.

Parent Resources- Please review regularly the Parent Information Boards in each classroom for up-coming trainings, community offerings and events for your family. We also have informational brochures and listings of community partners available for you in the Parent Information Area.

Photographs or live scenes of children who participate in this program may appear in newspapers, magazines, informational brochures or on television. Throughout the year the school will randomly be taking photographs and/or video footage using digital imagery, etc. at the school or on field trips. These photographs and/or video footage may be used in public viewing in advertising, presentations, websites, bulletin boards, brochures and/or advertising material. Your permission for your child to participate in the media is a part of this agreement.

We have a commencement ceremony at the end of school year and a day fieldtrip during the spring. We normally hold this event in a hall or hotel reception ballroom. The costs and fee schedule for these activities will be given to you at beginning of school year. It is not required that your child attends.

Any information you give us will remain confidential, unless we need to collect a debt, recover a bad check or as directed by an appropriate governmental authority. It is your responsibility to keep your child’s information up to date, remember to notify us of any changes.

World of Kids Academy is responsible for reporting any sign of child abuse and or neglect. We will comply with all aspect of Chapter 415 Florida Statues protects children from abuse and/or neglect. Florida law legally obligates professionals working with children to report any suspected case of child abuse and/or neglect. Any professional failing to report or knowingly preventing another from doing so is guilty of a second degree misdemeanor and may be prosecuted. If a parent suspects child abuse and/or neglect please contact the Department of Children & Families

Children are taught and encouraged to display the 4 values including demonstrating responsibility by putting their toys away, caring towards other children, honesty, and to respect other peoples feelings. You will notice these values being carried over to their daily lives.

Children must be signed in and out with a full signature by the adult who is dropping them off and picking them up each day for verification of attendance as well as safety. Children are not permitted to sign themselves in. In the event that an individual that is authorized to pick up your child appears or shows signs of being impaired or intoxicated the Center will NOT release the child. The center will contact someone else on the authorization list to come for the safe release of a child. If no other person is able to pick up the child the proper authorities will be called as our end result is for the safety of each child in our care. In the event that an authorized person picking up your child does not have a child safety seat for each child in the vehicle your child will NOT be released until a child safety seat is in place for each child riding in the vehicle or other arrangements to pick up the child will need to be made. As a security precaution, Please walk your child into the school and take them to a staff member. Children are not to be left in the parking lot, office, or hallway. If there is no one in their class please do not leave them there unsupervised. Their group may be in another room, please take them to their group.

School readiness students (subsidize care): World of Kids Academy is pleased to have joined with the Early Learning Coalition in providing childcare for your family. A concern that has arisen is for the need for the parent/guardian to sign each child in and out. For the parent, this process is critical, as it ensures that an authorized person signs your child(ren) in and out each day. For the provider, this is a record that your child(ren) has attended the child care center that day. It is a requirement that both the parent and the provider ensure that this occurs. You are required to sign your child(ren) in and out each day they are in attendance at his or her child care provider.

Please note that you must:

• Sign your child(ren) in and out on the sign-in sheet – in blue ink –each day of attendance.
• Legibly sign with a full signature (full first and last name) i.e., no initials, first name, ditto marks, etc.
• Sign each of your children in and out on a separate sheet each day they are in attendance.
• Sign full signature of parent or ADULT authorized by parent to pick up the child. (In blue ink)
• Write time in and time out each day including am and pm

Due to funding requirements, the Early Learning Coalition can only pay for children who are properly signed in and out on the sign-in-sheet. If these requirements are not met, the Early Learning Coalition may not be able to pay for the days that your child is not properly signed in and out. If this happens, you will be responsible for payment to World of Kids Academy if your child(ren) were in attendance but not properly signed in and/or out.

VPK Program Clients: In addition to Daily Sign-in Sheets by the front desk, parent of a student in the VPK program must verify their child’s attendance by signing and verifying child’s attendance at the end of each month.

A tuition fee schedule and contract is included in the registration package and must be signed by parents or guardian. Tuition is either paid by-weekly (approved by financial department) or monthly. All tuition is payable in advance on the first day of each week/month – no credit allowed for absences/missed classes. There are no refunds on tuition if child withdraws from the program. Un-paid tuition will result in discontinuation of services. Tuition is due regardless of absences. Tuition that is received late will be charged a late fee. Tuition can be paid by cash, check, or money order. Additional supply fees for materials, field trips or specials may be requested. REGISTRATION FEE AND MATERIAL FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.

While we hope you will be happy with our center and stay with us until your child graduates from the elementary school program, we know that some families will leave for one reason or another. If you wish to withdraw from our program we wish you the best in all your endeavors. We only ask that you give two weeks notice.

Parents will be provided a tour of the facility where they will be introduced to the teaching staff and have the opportunity to visit with the classroom teacher. An administrator will overview the parent handbook and discuss the expectations of the family and the needs of the child. An overview of available family support resources and activities will be provided during the discussion as well.